We offer artful custom floral arrangements for GTA delivery and store pick up. Our brick-and-mortar carries an evolving — often exclusive — collection of designer vases and stem blocks. Seasonal fresh and dried flower bunches, as well as our favourite tools of the trade, are available. We accept orders up to four weeks in advance.
Order flowers now. Or, shop our curated collection of vases.

Our designs appear regularly in private residences and local businesses. We offer 3-month, 6-month or year-long subscription packages at various price points. We deliver to the same address on the same day — every week, every two weeks or every month. We also offer flexible packages to corporate partners, with ongoing deliveries billed monthly and ad-hoc deliveries billed per execution. We welcome new clients!
Start a conversation today.

We provide considered recommendations towards floral displays in the home and at businesses. An order minimum/hourly rate per consultation will apply.