

Devil’s Ivy


Epipremnum Aureum Neon / Jade / ‘Pearls and Jade’ / ‘Marble Queen‘


Native to Mexico

Air purifying 
For beginners 
Low light tolerant 
Toxic to pets/people

General Care


Medium to bright filtered. Avoid direct sun. Tolerates low light and fluorescent light; leaf colour fades. 


18-24°C (spring-fall). Tolerates temperatures down to 10°C. Give a rest at 15°C (winter).




Weekly. Water moderately (spring-fall) and allow potting mix to dry halfway. Water sparingly (winter) and allow barely moist mix to dry almost fully, until onset of wilting foliage. Always check moisture level before watering. Aerate mix to improve its condition. 


Once a month (spring-fall). Use organic houseplant fertilizer, according to packaging instructions.


Every 1-2 weeks, rotate plant to ensure even growth. Every 1-2 months, give your plant a tepid shower: gently spray leaf tops/undersides to free them of dust, and soak mix to leach accumulated salts. Remove spent leaves. Trim unsightly or unruly vines with sterile shears.

Potting and Repotting

Soil-based potting mix. Every 1-2 years (spring) move plant into a planter 1-2” larger (diameter and depth); or, divide and repot in the same planter, using new potting mix, after cleaning planter and partially trimming back roots and foliage. 

Special Points/Common Problems: 

  • A combination of yellow leaves and leaves with brown crispy spots may indicate underwatering. 
  • Yellowing leaves often result from overwatering. Refrain from watering until the soil is dry and reduce volume of water given to the plant.
  • Vines may grow to great lengths (up to 40’). Propagate cuttings with 3-4 leaf nodes in water, refreshing water weekly. Transfer to soil only once roots are substantial.