Phalaenopsis Orchid

Phalaenopsis Orchid

Moth Orchid


Native to tropical Southeast Asia

General Care


Medium to bright filtered. Avoid direct sun and low light. Supplementary artificial light encourages flowering (winter). 




Average to higher. For extra humidity: mist aerial roots daily, place pot on moist pebbles in a tray, group with other plants, or, introduce a humidifier. Do not mist leaves. Water on foliage will produce black spots if left overnight.


Every 1-2 weeks. Water plentifully and allow thoroughly moist mix to dry within top 1-2”. Do not stand pot in water. Susceptible to rot and fungus infection. Always check moisture level before watering. Aerate mix to improve its condition. 


Every 2-3 weeks (fall-winter). Use high-nitrogen organic fertilizer (after repotting or as new leaves emerge) or high-potash organic fertilizer (once leaves mature), according to packaging instructions. 


Every 1-2 weeks, rotate plant to ensure even growth. Every 1-2 months, dust leaves with a soft, damp cloth and inspect for pests when doing so. Every month, flush pot with tepid water to remove accumulated salts. Support stems bearing large flowers with ties and stakes. Remove spent leaves and trim brown roots to prevent them rotting. Trim faded flowers and cut back bare, brown stems to their base. 

Potting and Repotting

Orchid potting mix (store bought or prepared: 4 parts medium-grade fir bark, 1 part  horticultural charcoal, 1 part horticultural perlite). Transplant after flowering, once pot-bound, when plant lens to one side or mix has decomposed. Every 2-3 years, move to a planter that just accommodates root system. Remove old potting medium, dead leaves, dead bloom stalks, dead root and tissue. Spread roots over a cone of fresh mix, fill in and around roots, leaving no air spaces, until just below base. Label (name, month and year of repotting). Water thoroughly. 

Special Points/Common Problems: 

  • Typically, flowering occurs once a year, and each flower lasts up to three weeks. 
  • To extend the flowering period, using sterile shears, cut back stems of faded flowers to just below the point at which the earliest flowers appeared. Side shoots featuring new blooms will emerge at these points.