Subscription / Bouquet

Local delivery available. See Delivery & Pick Up Info.




The quintessential gift. Send or receive our flowers on repeat. Enliven a space or brighten someone's day with consistency — and well beyond the moment.

Our bouquets feature seasonal favourites and novelties, artfully arranged in a tied bunch, and for placement in a vase already owned by you/the recipient. Highly textural and sculptural, no two are the same and all are intended to delight. Suitable for a coffee table or kitchen island, entryway or workspace. Fulfilled as a pick up or delivered to the same address on the same day each month. Offered at two frequencies for a convenient, three-month duration.

Each design is custom-made. Palette is designer's choice. Materials vary daily and according to the season. We gladly accommodate client preferences noted at time of purchase and whenever possible.

Optional Vase

Our bouquets are perfectly suited to either ceramic or metal Miyabi Vases (sold separately). Add your preferred option prior to checkout and we'll design the first bouquet in the vase.


Approximately 12-18" Ø x 24-30" h.


Pre-payment in full. During checkout, schedule and pay the first delivery fee only. Remaining delivery fees are included. Upon order receipt, our staff will confirm other delivery dates with you/the recipient. Up to two changes (i.e., address or date) per subscription permitted.

See Subscriptions FAQ →

Flower Care

Remove all delivery packaging upon receipt. Follow our care instructions to extend the life of your flowers.

View Cut Flower Care →

Flowers shown reflect a style, scale and price point only. Arrangements vary based on seasonal and daily availability. Specific materials are not guaranteed.